
Ben Goertzel Building Decentralized AGI Infrastructure

And its powered by ETH and ADA blockchain technology

SingularityNET is a full-stack AI solution powered by a decentralized protocol and the first and only decentralized platform allowing AIs to cooperate and coordinate at scale, removing one of the major limiting factors to AI growth today — the lack of interoperability — which severely restricts the ability to leverage the strengths and capabilities of individual AIs.

If you’re not familiar with Dr. Ben Goertzel is a cognitive scientist, artificial intelligence researcher. He is also CEO and founder of SingularityNET, leader of the OpenCog Foundation, and the AGI Society, he also coined the term ‘Artificial General Intelligence’ or AGI.

Decentralized and Centralized Systems

Centralized system doesn't scale well. For such systems as the number of users on the system grows, so does the infrastructure required to operate the system. Each peer on the system would get less, and the system is more likely to crash.

It is the other way around with decentralized systems. The more users you have on the system (or network), the faster, and more resilient the system is. It’s less likely to crash, and would provide more throughput, enabling more users on the system with each new node.

Think of the Bittorrent network. A file of a few gigabytes, with 5 seeds, and a few peers, would usually take hours to download. If 3 of the seeds are down, the chances you’ll get the full copy are significantly lower. However, if the same torrent has 1000 seeds and 3000 peers you’ll download the files in minutes if not seconds. You’re also guaranteed to get it fully.

The SingularityNET Project

SingularityNET website provides a clear roadmap on how the project is implemented. It began with improvements on blockchain technology, and a migration of the project from Ethereum to the Cardano blockchain, while implementing mechanics for lowering the costs.

It then proceeds with upgrades to the OpenCog project named ‘Hyperon’. It is a diverse assemblage of cognitive algorithms, powered by robust and flexible C++ software architecture:

The human brain consists of a host of subsystems carrying out particular tasks — some more specialized, some more general in nature — and connected together in a manner enabling them to (usually) synergetically assist rather than work against each other.

The organization built SingularityDAO, that comes with a live staking portal with millions of dollars of value staked, this how the organization provides funding for the project, and integration with additional DiFi instruments.

Resource allocation is also done on the blockchain. The NuNet project does exactly this:

Our mission is to integrate the world’s computing resources, data, and ingenuity into a single network tied together by a powerful API of APIs. We first aim to bring these resources into the SingularityNET ecosystem.

You can find the whitepaper over here. The project is led by a talented team of engineers from Ethiopia.

TrueAGI aims to provide enterprises of all kinds with hosting, data-ingestion and customization of OpenCog Hyperon systems. This infrastructure enables financial prediction, biomedical research analytics, text analytics, and the control systems of the Sophia and Grace humanoid robots.

It works over traditional cloud-based hosting, or decentralized blockchain-based hosting by integrating with the SingularityNET platform. The launch of TrueAGI services is currently scheduled for 2023, following limited 2022 private preview beta.

The best way to ensure a desired future outcome is to make it yourself

AI has been buzzing around the tech industry since 2012. Plenty of frameworks and tools were created for the cool kids to play around and write articles about their playtime on the Medium website. But tools like Tensorflow and PyTorch, managed so far, just allow building of disk hungry transformer models. You want to run one? Well for that you’ll need a whole Nvidia DGX rack, and the results are mostly expensive meme generators for the internet, and tools that help you code in your IDE.

That of course has some value, for some people. But these models and systems will not solve humanity’s problems, they are unreliable in helping with scientific or medical research, they cannot develop the next theory of everything and explain the universe.

Its people like Ben who are working on what is the beginning to true AGI capabilities for the human race. As he imagines the future of such a system, he and his team are also building it. I will continue to cover his work, and provide you with the latest developments and technologies once they become available.