
Welcome to the year 2049!

On how Asimov, Orwell and Stephenson predicted it

We have come a long way since the “Deep Learning Revolution” of 2012. Fueled by NVIDIA technology of the time, and validated by George E. Dahl and the "Tox21 Data Challenge", and the rising of “backpropagation” back from the graveyard.

It is ironic how, in so many instances, we find that reality outperforms our most wild fantasies. If you would have read Orwell’s “1984” in 1949 you probably would have thought “what a grim and dystopian piece of fiction” ...

However it’s only much later, when Snowden showed up in 2013 and demonstrated to the world that “The Big Brother” is as real as it gets, followed up in 2020 when the world governments took it to the next fucking level and showed us all how to properly implement such a future in practice. It was like someone was baking an Orwell carrot cake, with Stephenson as the topping, building his own version of Empire.

I present to you, the Metaverse?

It was only the beginning.

Once the mega-corps realized that people feel quite comfortable staying at home for long periods and being directed by their governments. It was certainly the right time to start implementing the next battery technology, with humans as the energy source.

It was the addictive social media giant of the time who jumped on the Metaverse bandwagon first. And the whole industry followed like a herd of sheeps, fueled by VC money. It was the golden age of the venture capitals, just before their demise in 2031. All they needed to hear is just a few words that just one percent really understood their actual meaning.

Entrepreneurs of the time pitched for Cloud, AI, VR, Cyber, Metaverse, and Blockchain. Well it turned out the crypto people knew what they were doing, for the most. The monetary system has to change for good. However, many AI companies didn’t deliver the promise, AI of the time was, for the most, just humans making inputs into some basic ML model.

VR devices were successful eventually, but it took longer than anyone expected, hardware technology made slow, but steady progress. Cyber was just ‘Information Security’ renamed, we had that pretty much in the same form since the 80s of the 20th century.

The Metaverse had some major technological challenges that only a few really understood and managed to solve. Many tried, but even the giants failed to manifest the real thing at first. Stephenson’s 1992 novel was a great inspiration for many people of the era, and also few sci-fi authors that came before him. But the industry of the time, managed to produce just a few ‘Microsoft Comic Chat’ clones with some basic VR capabilities.

Hubris is over 2,500 years old, and it's always a bad idea going on a roadtrip with only fumes of gas in your trunk. But few did realize the market potential, more technologically capable companies were fast to come up with their own versions of the Metaverse. And so after the 30s of the 21th century much VCs disappeared from the technological landscape, the industry did grow to over $1 trillion, but nothing like the $10 trillion they promised.

Microsoft, for example, combined their world simulation capabilities from the newest Flight Simulator, the creative experience of Minecraft, and with the production experience of ZeniMax and Bethesda Softworks, managed to bundle it all into a single and impressive package.

ATARI are back baby

Who really took things to the next level was Tim Sweeney and Epic Games.

For decades, Epic provided the gaming industry with top notch graphic engine capabilities. But today they are the main supplier of software,infrastructure, and blockchain technology for a $5 trillion Metaverse industry. Their main customers are banks, governments, education service providers, and the mega-corps.

But mega-corps move slowly, it was actually good old Atari SA that provided the first cornerstone of the Metaverse. The company has risen up from the dead due to the 20s financial crisis, by providing its own blockchain and crypto exchange technologies. They open-sourced their intellectual property for the blockchain, And THECR3W built the byte-layered blockchain that became known as the Metachain.

Metachain, THECR3W, and TEK1

THECR3W was a group of internet wizards and activists that consisted of three individuals:
j3llyF1sh, b4se16, and typ3d.

Their real identity is unknown to this day, although, over the years, few have claimed they have met them in person. The rumor is, that j3llyF1sh is a girl that rides a sprite-pink superbike, and the whole fairing is made of quantum display material - that occasionally shows Super Mario game recordings. But in fact its purpose is totally different, when needed, along with her (pink) jacket, it turns the whole bike and rider nearly invisible by projecting the surroundings.

Metachain Internals

On the Metachain your session is a unique SHAKE-256 and 128-byte long hash. It turns out to be 50% faster on 64-bit machines because of its usage of 64-bit words. The hash function data output length is variable, the blockchain is programmed to treat a hash of 64-byte (SHA-512 length) as base layer. Anything below this size is treated as garbage or public domain, anying above it as private.

The NET1 AI allocates automatically ranges above and below 64-bytes internally, with the exception of 128-bytes that delegate for sessions. Lower ranges (from 24 bytes to 48 bytes) are allocated by NET1 (bytes 49-63 are reserved for future), higher range is allocated automatically by the AI.

NET1 also designates the lower and public layers with names. Some of the names should be obvious to most people, for example, layer-33 is called “the-fake-media”. This layer used to record all worthy news events in the world. It's kind of like ‘The GDELT Project’ on the blockchain. Although everything is recorded (external systems do cross-check the layer with other data sources), it is NEWZ who decides what information to surface. It's pretty useful if you just want to check the latest news around, and many use it, but if you really wanna know what is going on in the world, this source is irrelevant.

TEK1 Operational Domain

TEK1 operates on the chain golden range; it uses the 127-byte range for its operations and computation, the 129-byte and 130-byte range for public and private communication respectively.

TEK1 Operational Layer Address:


TEK2049 DAO Contract Address:


Foundation of TEK2049

With the realization of the dystopian future we are heading to, TEK2049 was born in late 2022. The organization was founded on a single principle:

Allow humanity to reach the year 2049, well informed, and with a survival toolbox

We finally reached this point, and I am proud of our collective accomplishments.

The organization is a source of credible information, news and science. We also provide our customers with entertainment in the forms of music, and a platform for arts - as we realized that human creativity should help along the way.

We provide guidance and hardware for cryptocurrency and blockchain technologies, and software capabilities for individuals to safely communicate with any artificial general intelligence (AGI) system.

We enable world-class privacy for netrunners with buffer scanning, self-destruction capabilities for most cyberdeck models around. We also provide our own versions of icebreaker software.

Our team consists of the most l33t h4x0rs around, who specialize in M++ programming, as we protect the cyberspace from any threats and adversaries. Our whitedomes are well known around the verse to provide safe haven for freedom fighters.

TEK1 is happy to serve you.