

Welcome to the year 2049!

On how Asimov, Orwell and Stephenson predicted it Jul 22, 2022, 15:14

We have come a long way since the “Deep Learning Revolution” of 2012. Fueled by NVIDIA technology of the time, and validated by George E. Dahl and the "Tox21 Data Challenge", and the rising of “backpropagation” back from the graveyard.

It is ironic how, in so many instances, we find that reality outperforms our most wild fantasies. If you would have read Orwell’s “1984” in 1949 you probably would have thought “what a grim and dystopian piece of fiction” ...

However it’s only much later, when Snowden showed up in 2013 and demonstrated to the world that “The Big Brother” is as real as it gets, followed up in 2020 when the world governments took it to the next fucking level and showed us all how to properly implement such a future in practice. It was like someone was baking an Orwell carrot cake, with Stephenson as the topping, building his own version of Empire.

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