

Major Challenges For A Metaverse In 2030

A challenging journey building a virtual environment by the end of this decade Aug 7, 2022, 06:11

The Oxford definition of the Metaverse is “a virtual-reality space in which users can interact with a computer-generated environment and other users”. It's set to be a unified virtual universe that will connect communities, products, commerce, workspaces, entertainment, and allow creators to program this virtual environment.

A few attempts to create such a platform have been tried in the past. A well known example is Second Life, an open-source project started 19 years ago back in 2003, and is still active to this day, with the last version released just a month ago.

Over the years we did see a few other projects, mostly games, that implement some of the Metaverse concepts. World of Warcraft allowed thousands of players to inhabit a virtual fantasy world, it allowed groups of 10-25 players to band together going to adventures called raids. It also implemented a Battlegrounds feature that allowed up to 80 players to fight each other in the same environment.

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Solving Problems with Terminal Graphics

On building console applications with tui and Rust Jul 24, 2022, 13:18

Today when developers are thinking about programs with graphical interfaces, they tend to go with technologies that are JavaScript based like Vue and React. For simple people it’s just plain old server-side rendering with Python or PHP behind the scenes. And serious people who don’t default to web technologies would probably choose GTK3 or Qt.

All this is fine, and each technology has its use-cases where it shines (well, ... except React). However, I offer you to consider another option; building your UI application entirely in the terminal. You won’t need to compromise on user experience, in fact, for some use-cases you might find that the terminal makes much more sense!

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